Public Work

Welcome to the Public Works Department Web site. This will help you with some of the information that you will need as far as contact numbers and where to report problems. Assigned Field Supervisors monitor all projects being done by Public Works.
Public Works has 15 full time employee’s along with 2 Clerks and 1 Field Supervisor. The Public Works Department is responsible for water distribution, maintenance of village streets, snow removal from streets, traffic control signs and street signs, maintenance of public sidewalks and maintenance of the Village fleet, buildings and grounds. The Public Works Department plans to implement a second shift very soon, once implemented there will be Public Works employee’s performing their duties between the hours of 7am to 8:30pm Monday thru Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: Supervisors are often in the field and may not be able to respond to your call immediately. Please leave a message with the clerk with your name, address and a return phone number.
CALL 708-201-3280 or 3281 to report problems with: Water Main Breaks, Water Meters, Sewer Issues, Cave-Ins, Pot Holes, Side Walk Repairs, Street Lights, Stop Signs / Street Signs, Fire Hydrants.
For any Water Bill questions- Please call the Payment Center at 708-849-4000
Questions for Garbage and Yard Waste Pick-Up please call Public Works and we can contact Homewood Disposal. Please remember to put your garbage, yard waste bags and your branches ( cut and tied up in 4ft length ) out the night before pick-up starting at 7pm.