Who To Call

Important Phone numbers
emergency - police - fire - ambulance
Police Emergency -
Fire Emergency -
Village of Dolton | Phone Number |
Municipal Center | 849-4000 |
Village Clerk | 201-3295 |
Building Inspector | 201-2937 |
Communications | 201-3375 |
Housing | 201-3261 |
Police Non-Emergency | 841-2533 |
Fire Non-Emergency | 849-2145 |
Public Works | 201-3280 |
Water Department | 201-3293 |
Homewood Disposal | 798-1004 |
Royal Estates Assistive Living | 841-5560 |
Dolton Park District | 841-2111 |
Dolton Library | 849-2385 |
Cook County Animal Control | 974-6140 |
Thornton Township | 596-6040 |
CEDA | 339-3610 |
ComEd | 800-334-7661 |
Nicor | 888-642-6748 |
METRA Commuter Rail | 312-322-6777 |
PACE Bus Service | 847-228-3572 |
Ingalls Memorial Hospital | 333-2300 |
St. Margaret Hospital | 219-932-2300 |
Bud’s Ambulance | 849-0945 |
Dolton Post Office | 849-2777 |
Internal Revenue Service | 317-292-4912 |
Social Security | 800-772-1213 |
IT | 201-2176 |
Senator and State Representative | Phone Number |
State Senator Napoleon Harris | 708-893-0552 |
State Representative Thaddeus Jones | 708-596-7053 |
Cook County Sheriff | 708-865-4700 |
Illinois State Police | 847-294-4400 |
Illinois Attorney General Office | 312-814-2581 |
Cook County State’s Attorney | 312-603-8600 |
Cook County Assessor’s Office | 312-443-7550 |
Government Affairs